
CM2.0 On Schedule

Quote of the Day

"I will sit right down waiting for the gift of sound and vision." - David Bowie

So... here I am, stuck inside on a b-e-a-utiful day, digging some Bowie on the iPod, trying to get the new website up and running by manana, re-arranging my apartment/studio, and fighting a tenacious case of allergies. It's tough trying to design something when you have a head full of pollen and your nose is more clogged than the GSP south on a summer Friday. However, I do want to get things rolling along.

I'm very excited about the new look of the website and blog as well as a lot of the new stuff I'm getting involved in. The site will look different. My art will be up, but it will be far from complete. In the coming days and weeks I'll be posting new artwork, getting more involved with facebook and twitter, linking to some charities I'm working with, and starting a new music project.

So, I thank those of you that have been following this blog (you know, all 6 of you. If that many. lol), and promise this is gonna get a lot more interesting very soon. Unfortunately there's just not too many ways I can make web design and furniture rearrangement sound fun. If it helps, I'm wearing a clown nose and wig while I do this.

And nothing else.

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